Friday, August 20, 2010

Software Unattended Installation

Almost a year since my last posting on this blog. I work in a computershop which we sell various types of laptops. Working as a software technician is quite easy, not to mention some difficulties in dealing with different customer regarding the problem of their laptop. So, let's back into business. Installing a software in a computer is very easy what we need to do is follow what is on the steps and click next, back, yes, no, or confirm but some of the softwares' are time consuming. In each and every day God created I always get irritated when somebody is shouting and asking how long it will finish, will I can't blame them. One or two laptops can be easily to install at the same time, but how about 5 or more laptops that needs to be install at the same time? Do we need to have 5 external hard disk or a flash disk? Of course the company which we work does not provide such 5 pieces of external memory for just installing the sofware purposes.

I found out about the Windows Post Installation (WPI). This software capable of installing the softwares' unattended. Amazing to have like this one, it's a hustle free for all of us. And it's easy to use because theirs a manual you can read when you download this software on this site
What you need to do is just copy the finish and fully furnish programs into DVD. Have a nice day to all of us.